Friday, 16 December 2011
Monday, 12 December 2011
Sonnia Criid Alt. Sculpt with OSL
More experimentation with the Day glo pigments I had imported to the uk. Im really pleased with they way they are working out. Your votes and comments would be appreciated.
Friday, 9 December 2011
Sunday, 4 December 2011
Thursday, 1 December 2011
Wednesday, 30 November 2011
Day Glo pigments in the UK
Struggled to get the ratio of matt medium, water and pigment correct. The results are a little chalky but they sure do glow.
Below is Sonnia's base. This is a cobbled street that has cracked and started to melt into molten lava through exposure to her power.
Saturday, 23 July 2011
Friday, 22 July 2011
Persdita V McMourning Battle report
Leeds Wargaming centre (Gin Distillery gaming board)
The shotgun wedding had been one of the best the Ortega clan had ever seen. No one quite remembers who's idea it was to raid McMourning’s Moonshine factory for supplies, but all agreed it hadn’t gone quite to plan.
The Ortega’s had been staking out the distillery for over a week. The Guild had suspicions that the still was being used for more sinister reasons other than those given by Mcmourning who claimed the alcohol was purely for research of a ‘medical nature’. The Ortega’s had failed to gather any evidence to the contrary.
While stealing some moonshine for the party why not snoop around for some evidence while they were at it.
Perdita led the motley crew of would be booze thieves come drunk detectives through the streets of Malifaux in the hope no one noticed she could barely walk in a straight line. She was closely followed by Brutus Ortega the Groom aka the executioner, who would hopefully be able to carry too barrels of booze back to the party. Nino was tasked to keep an eye out for trouble. The Death Marshall to stuff as much booze in his coffin as he could fit and the three witchling stalkers were there because they new the dirtiest songs. The Governer’s proxy was the smallest of the crew and would sneak down the delivery shaft and let everybody in from the inside.
“... and I said if you like the bend in my sword getta load of this!”
“ and what did she say?”
“Well she had a bigger one than I did!
“shh you three. I thought I heard something.”
Mc Mourning knew that while the Ortega’s were busy at one of their blasted shotgun weddings he had a clear night to add the final ingredient and get it out of the still and back to his lab.
However, it wasn’t long before one of the dogs raised the alarm of the intruders.
The Excecutioner
3 Witchling Stalkers
1 Death Marshall
Governer’s Proxy
Strategy: Slaughter
Schemes: Kill Protege (Bette Noir) and Hold Out
Bette Noir
3 Dogs
2 Necro Punk
Mourg Assistant
Strategy: Claim jump
Schemes: Kill protege (Executioner) and Hold Out
My Plan
Have a firing line headed up by Nino shooting anyone who attempted to get the claim jump while preventing anyone from making a break for my deployment.
The executioner would take out anyone who got close.
Perdita been the fastest would help out until turn 5 and then make a break for the enemy deployment zone.
Turn 1
I won the initiative. i would leave Nino and Perdita to activate last in the hope someone would be out in the open to shoot.
Mark began by moving his dogs and necro punks towards the claim jump.
McMourning had ordered them to protect the final ingredient.
Nino although cross eyed began by killing one dog and wounding another.
Perdita dropped her control hand down a grate and had to use hero’s gamble and added two high crows to her hand. I would keep these for any headshots from nino (if he could see), instant kill from the executioner or a pine box from the death marshall (this would get me no points for slaughter but would be a giggle).
Turn 2
Nino wounds a necro punk and another dog. nino decided from now on he will always have a drink before he goes shooting.
Two witchling stalkers kill the wounded necro punk. They later invent a joke about a punk who liked to jump on bendy swords (its very rude).
The death marshall kills the other dog and sticks a barrel of booze in his coffin.
A necro punk charges the death marshall but fails to wound him. He was distracted by seeing the contents of a kleptomaniac’s hidey hole. (the witchling stalkers thought his hidey hole was very funny and made up a song about it.)
The executioner moves up to support the death Marshall but is charged by a mc Mouning and a dog. He is taken down to 6 wounds and drops a barrel on his toes.
Perdita gathers her wits wounds the assistant who was protecting the final ingredient.
Turn 3
The executioner tries to kill Mcmourning but fails to kill him but Mark burns a lot of soulstones and cards to save him. hopefully I can obey the executioner or Nino to get an instant kill.
McMourning Kills the Executioner. The bride will be upset! She was looking forward to a shot of McMournings strong stuff. The witchlling stalkers thought this too was very funny. “ I would like to give her a shot of strong stuff, eh! eh! you get it? Snigger snigger.
I choose the dog in the hope to kill it with my slow to die move and get all my wounds back, however, I failed to realise the dog had hard to kill. the executioner dies.
Perdita companions with Nino and kills the assistant.
Nino who is having the game of his life thanks to the powers of the sauce, takes his revenge by killing McMourning with a red joker on the damage flip followed by a moderate.
Mark Then calls it a day.
I win 6 points to 2.
Need to check the rules on Kill Protoge on a mini that never appears on the board.
Perdita drags the remaining crew back to the wedding with as much booze as they can carry. The Guild Csi Geeks (if they were still conscious) at the party will be keen to take a look at the final ingredients she managed to sneak out of the factory before McMournings booby traps had blown the place up.
“he he! she said Booby, I know a song about Boobies!”
Monday, 18 July 2011
Monday, 11 July 2011
Friday, 8 July 2011
I have been painting the amazing Auscon Dorothy for the CMON competition.
I now reaise that my colour choices were poor. io have chosen too many colours and mixed my warm and cold pallets too closely.
I also think that the yellow plate road, althoug in with the fluff of the wizard of OZ/steampunk, distracts from the mini.
Anyway im still proud of it and hope you like it.
Im now working on my entry to the iron owl at leed wargaming centre so things maybe a little quiet again, i paint really slowly!
Sunday, 19 June 2011
The nightmare that is the Dreamer.
Played a Leeds league match against mythicfox on Wednesday and faced his Dreamer crew.
This is the first time I have faced the Dreamer.
We drew shared claim jump.
Mythicfox if I remember correctly had 2 day dreams a stitched together 2 sorrows a teddy and a insidious madness. I think!
I took all the Ortega box plus two deathmarshalls and the enslaved nephlin.
The first 3 turns very little happened as the dreamer prepared his crew for burial and I took up position ready to be pounced upon and also ready to take the claim jump.
I had taken frame for murder as I'm trying to perfect this scheme. I have had good sucess in announced. This time I announced papa loco and opened him forward to cause trouble. I also took kill protege on the teddy hoping Nino could repeat his sucess against Pandora the previous week.
Papa loco soon got picked off by a minion losing me that scheme.
Mythicfox had taken breakthrough and kill protege on Nino.
Nino attracted a lot of attention early and I had to bury him with pinebox from one of the death marshals.
By thus point I was starting to grow tired of Lord chompy bits jumping in and out taking chunks out of me.
After exclaiming "i don't know what to do!" Mythic fox advised do the unexpected. Do instead of waiting to be pounced on I sent Santiago and Francisco after the two day dreams.
Santiago caused some distraction but soon became food for LCB. I think Francisco managed to kill the other day dream.
Next all hell broke loose and the Dreamer dropped his crew right on me with all their horribleness up.
Teddy kills and flings the tattered remains of a death Marshall across the board releasing Nino from his pinebox.
In revenge perdita and Nino companion and go to town on the teddy. Perdita spell breaks the poison off Nino and then takes a couple if shots at teddy. Mythic fox has to burn a few cards to save him.
Nino activates with just one wound left shoots the teddy with a headshot. With no cards left mythicfox can't save him. I had been saving those cards all game. I get 2 vp.
The end of the game is in sight. We both start eyeing up the available points.
Mythicfox soon kills Nino to get his kill protege and revenge for teddy.
He then sends a insidious madness into my deployment.
Do I protect my deployment or go for the claim jump?
I decide all available crew us needed to win the claim. I'm out numbering the dreamer as the stitched together died ( I can't remember how).
LCB makes an appearance and goes to town on my crew.
If I can survive this I can draw 4-4 as I'm currently out numbering LCB.
Oh! LCB rips Francisco and the remaining Death Marshall limb from limb leaving perdita out numbered and me looking the game.
Perdita 2 dreamer 6.
Sunday, 12 June 2011
My first battle against Pandora
Apologies mike if I get any of this wrong.
We drew shared claim jump. I chose frame for murder (papa loco) this time I announced it in the hope this would make Mike go out of his way to avoid Loco. I also chose grudge and with some friendly advice from mike I chose teddy instead of the stitched together. Stitched together can sacrifice himself as his slow to die action.
Mike chose steal relic (or deliver message, I can't remember). In fact it would be funny if it was deliver message because I posted two letters for him after the club. he also chose holdout.
My plan was for papa loco to rush forward and cause as much havoc and draw attention away from the claim jump. Meanwhile Nino would cover everybody from atop of a small ruin. The enslaved nephlim and Perdita would obey Loco where ever possible. Santiago and Francisco had the left flank while the two death marshalls had the right. The claim was a marker in a room in the centre of the table. My side of the room had three windows that Perdita would shoot through to make the claim jump a killing zone.
Francisco double walks into cover behind a wall on the left flank. Santiago and Perdita take position at the windows to cover the claim jump. Both death marshalls move up the right flank. Papa loco is made to flee by Pandora. When he activates all he can do is throw a stick of dynamite but misses.
Pandora gets a little too close for comfort and Nino gets off a shot at her with trigger happy trigger. Pandora passes the damage to the sorrow. This then causes confusion for the trigger happy as pandora was the defender however, the sorrow was damaged. With a help of James the in house henchman we decided that the sorrow could be targeted by trigger happy. Nino obliges and kills the sorrow.
I win initiative and get two high crow cards in my hand. Could I get away with a Pandora headshot? They were certainly worth holding onto.
Papa loco walks towards Pandora and casts take me with you which was a big mistake not only did this kill papa loco loosing me frame for murder I didn't cheat it high enough and Pandora Candy and the stitched together all escape unharmed. However, pandora burned cards and soul stones to do this, so not a complete waste. Santiago walks round a corner and comes face to face with a cute little girl. Luckily Candy had already cast a spell so he shoots her causing a few wounds. I think the enslaved Nephlim fails to obey santiago to finish the job.
The two Deathmarshalls continue there mission up the right flank. One of which is attacked and wounded by baby kade.
Insidious madness rushes forward to protect Candy. Santiago charges candy and kills her.
Perdita shoots and kills the stitched together.
Turn 3
I cant quite remember how this turn goes. But it was something like this.
Baby Kade kills a death marshall and then stabs Santiago in the back. Insidious madness kills the other Deathmarshall.
I think Pandora kills Francisco and ends her activation in the room containing the claim.
Perdita shoots at pandora through the window and almosts kills her. Pandora now has no soul stones or fate cards. Nino casts in my sights, shoots pandora and kills her. For his second action point he gets a headshot on the teddy and kills him. I had been saving the 13 crow for pandora and couldn't resist taking out teddy this way.
However, this was another mistake as I had not read grudge properly. teddy had to be killed by a melee strike! Another 2 vp down the drain.
Santiago hits baby kade with his knife and gets the red joker on damage and another severe killing baby kade.
I think he then shoots and kills the insidious madness (this may have happened in turn 4)
The stitched together kills Francisco before he dies.
With no one left Perdita takes the enemy deployment and Santiago takes the claim jump.
Im sure the above is not correct. It will be intereting to see how Mike remembers the game.
I really need to start taking notes and photos.
A really fun game and I'm pleased with my use of triggers this game. Very disappointed about my failures with both schemes.
Many thanks Mike
Adam 4vp Mike 0vp
I don't think this will keep me at the top of the leeds league this week.
Thursday, 2 June 2011
Flying start to the Leeds wargames club league.
Last week I played two league games of Malifaux, both 35ss. 1st game was against dean and his seamus crew. I drew reconoiter and chose breakthroughs and Frame for murder choosing loco. I obeyed loco forward twice using perdita and her totem and seams quickly took him out in fear of him blowing up in his face. Turn two dean saw red and charged in to kill perdita. However this back fired and perdita killed seagmus . I killed a couple of other models that turn and Dean called the game. Getting me 8 full points.
I then played Matt and his nicodem crew. Matt was very helpful and forgave two mistakes I made. No.1 I gave Nino critical strike which killed one of his models (nino doesn't have critical strike). I also obeyed loco to charge without a Target which you can't do. Sorry Matt. Matt taught me that lure is very annoying. Before I knew it Nino had walked across the board and had his pants down surrounded by belles.
Eventually I got the upper hand and Matt gave in by turn 4. Again I got the full 8 points.
Last night I played against a Richard ( I think that was his name) and his colette crew. Although I lost 4-2 I was very pleased with the game. He was
Obviously a very experienced player andx was pulling tricks left right and centre.
Collette was able to get herself out or trouble really easily. Need to do some research on how to deal with her, I'm thinking instant kills like nino's headshot or the executioner.
Im now on 18 league points out of a maximum of 24.
Saturday, 28 May 2011
Wet Nurse, Kingdom Death
Friday, 27 May 2011
Geish Kirai coming along nicely.
Here is my WIP Geisha inspired Kirai.
Wednesday, 25 May 2011
Monday, 23 May 2011
Sunday, 22 May 2011
All My Ortegas together
What a joy to paint these are such good sculpts.
Hope you enjoy.
Please comment to help me improve.
Perdita Ortega

Santiago Ortega

Papa Loco
Had lots of fun adding his insane scribbling all over his straight jacket and adding a little foaming at the mouth.

Nino Ortega

Francisco Ortega

Abuela Ortega

Family photo

Tuesday, 17 May 2011
First attempt at a battle report
I believe this was my 4th game of Malifaux (2nd against someone who new the rules).
It was a 30 ss game
My Crew
Perdita 2 SS cache
Death Marshall
Flipped Strategy: Claim Jump
Chose Schemes: Breakthrough and Stake a claim
Ian's Crew
Von Schill (4 SS cache included)
2 x Freikorpsman 2x4ss
Freikorps Trapper 6ss
Freikorps Specialist 5ss
Freikorps Librarian 7ss
Total 26ss
Then added an additional 4ss (bringing total cache to 8ss) for 30 pts. ( I later discovered henchman can't do this). Page 71 of the rules manual " A henchman-led crew's maximum starting Soulstone pool is equal to its henchman resource bonus" (which is 4 for Von Schill)
Flipped Strategy; Treasure Hunt
Chose schemes; Holdout & Eye for an Eye
This battle report was written from memory on the train to work several days after the battle so may not be completely accurate. I hope to take notes and photos in future reports.
After some very kind tactic advise from Ian the game began.
I planned to use Nino to keep an eye on the treasure counter Von Schill was desperate to posses while providing cover for my crew who would stake their claim on the fence Perdita had decided was of vital importance to the family, perhaps beacuse she planned to make a claim jump on the land the fence bordered.
Perdita and Abuela would support nino while the death Marshall, francisco and Santiago would sneek up the flank and prepare to storm the claims in the last turn. Santiago would run into the enemy deployment to get extra victory points if he felt so inclined.
The Coffin trick.
Abuela, still shaken from the terrible nightmare she experienced only a short few hours earlier, crosses the ditch the family are gathered in on the outskirts of town and sits next to the Death Marshall. The nightmare is rapidly fading from her mind, however, the feeling of dread it has left, she fears, will never fade.
The little of the nightmare she remembers is disjointed and foggy, the burning red eyes of the five Doberman dogs, however, are not. Neither is that bloody fence and the land it surrounds that Perdita has become obsessed with. Perdita wont admit it but Abuela suspects she has also been experiencing restless nights. She sure was quick to put that rabid dog out of it misery two days ago.
What is unclear from Abuela's nightmare and the reason for her unrest were the four mounds next to the fence. The Dobermans seemed to be digging something up, or were they burying something?
Her mind snaps back when the Death Marshall calls her name. Although a new member to the crew the Death Marshall had proven herself to be a cool head in battle. Shame she had made all the men in the family lose theirs. She sure was a looker, if you were into coffin carrying death obsessed types.
"Explain that coffin trick of yours to Santiago one more time. Santiago! This time look at her eyes when she explains it. Its vitally important you understand your part. The lives of all of us today could rely upon it. Oh, and Death Marshall, when your done come see me. I have an offer you can't refuse."
Abuela felt that before going into battle the Death Marshall (DM) should become part of the family, with little time to spare she casts shotgun wedding which fate and the DM accept. Everyone rejoices and loads their guns.
Von Schill gingerly moves his troops behind a wall to shouts of speech! speech! in the distance, Von Schill has chosen this wall because he knows the Ortegas love to let the lead fly.
The DM Francisco and Santiago move up the flank to prepare to make their moves for VP towards the end of the game.
A friekorpsmann breaks ranks and makes a rush towards the treasure.
Perdita companions with and Obeys Nino to make a walk forward giving him a clear LOS to the Friekorpsmann.
Nino activates and shoots at the Friekorpsmann, gets trigger happy and kills him. With no one in range to shoot he holds his ground, goes into defensive stance with his sights trained on the treasure.
Turn 2
Ian wins initiative
With Nino momentarily distracted the Friekorps Specialist rushes round the corner of the church and grabs the treasure. VonScill and the librarian provide him with support. The Tracker keeps a keen eye on the situation providing cover from behind his wall.
Nino decides to finish rolling his cigarette and spares a moment to kill the librarian and injures Vonschill.
Perdita seeing Vonschill injured rushes out of cover to finish him off. However, VonSchill escapes with just another flesh wound from Perdita.
Santiago knowing he performs better when the blood flys he rushes forward to test the Trackers range. Closely followed by the DM and Franciso who are in throwing distance now to the objectives but the glint of the trackers snipe lens is clear in the early dawn light.
The tracker wounds Santiago but only to 5 wounds, not enough to make him mad, yet!
Turn 3
Ian wins the initiative
While Nino lights his Cigarette the Friekorps Specialist Jumps over the body of the librarian and escapes back around the corner of the church with the treasure.
Knowing Perdita has quick draw VonSchill orders a Friekorpsmann to charge perdita to remove this ability this round. Perdita unable to resits puts a bullet straight between the eyes of the charging friekorpsmann killing him before he made his first step.
VonSchill takes this opportunity to shoot perdita taking her down to 3 wounds.
The DM burys Franciso winks at Santiago who rushes into the enemy deployment zone.
Nino tries to support Perdita but cant get a clear shot at VonSchill so tries to take out the tracker and manages to injure him.
Turn 4
Ian wins the initiative (again!)
Vonschill seizes the initiative over the injured Perdita and kills her with a shot through the heart. If that wasn't enough he rushes around the corner and shoots an old lady, on inspecting the body its the infamous Abuela Ortega. Enraged the DM rushes forward to seek revenge for her new mother in law.
Turn 5
ian wins the initiative (again!)
Nino is killed by Von Schill. Out in the open the DM is killed by the Tracker. Instantly francisco is uburied right on top of the fence Perdita so desperately wanted. This also puts him within range of the claim jump.
Santiago sneaking around the rear through enemy territory kills the friekorpsmann specialist who drops the treasure.
Turn 6
I win initiative.
knowing Santiago is in the open Francisco tries to kill the Tracker while holding the family claims. However, once again the tracker keeps his head below the wall and avoids another ortega bullet.
Francisco is then injured by the tracker. VonSchill then puts a bullet through his fourth ortega heart of the morning. Francisco drops to the ground lifeless his blood spraying across the fence that the family so desperately wanted to claim.
Santiago seeing the death of franciso fails to see that if he were to pick up the treasure his family would have stolen it from Vonschill right under his nose in his deployment zone. instead he rushes forward to claim the bloody fence only and inch away from the claim jump.
Flipped Strategy; Treasure Hunt PARTIALLY COMPLETED
Chose schemes; Holdout COMPLETED& Eye for an Eye COMPLETED
That bloody fence
VonSchill drags the dead Friekorps specialist from atop the briefcase and enters the code. The case clicks open revealing a tattered and dusty map. VonSchill scans the map trying to find the location he has been desperately seeking these past seven months moving from one contract to the next. The fools thought they were using him. Instantly he recognises key landmarks on the map, a town with a ditch to the east, a church, a fence and by the fence...
"Sir! There has been an accident.We were burying the Ortegas by the fence as you ordered when..."
"Unt you found something right?"
"Ya, unt the..."
"Let me guess. The Ortega bodies have vanished."
Lessons learned.
First of all this was a great game and I hope the write up reflects that. I got off some really nice triggers and some early kills that were very pleasing.
Looking back I shouldn't have rushed the DM forward when Abuela died I should have kept her on mission and out of range of the tracker.
Nino performed brilliantly. I feel Perdita and Abuela supporting roles were hampered by my continuing failures to obey him. I now realise that Vonschill was overpowered by four more soul stones than he was allowed. I believe this was why he was the killing machine that he was. Ian soulstoned several flips ensuring he hit and wounded.
Santiago performed well. next time I may shoot him myself to get him below 5 wounds.
During the game Ian discovered he had 60 cards instead of 54! this was very amusing. It turned out that some of his sons cards had got mixed in with his. much ribbing from the other club members ensued.
A big thanks to Ian for helping me through this game. I understand it took much longer than it should have done. Several people came up asking if we had started a second game. thanks for your patience Ian.
Also many thanks to Mythicfox our in house henchman we bombarded with rule questions. He was very patient with us. In retrospect I see trying to play his own games of malifaux while being interrogated by a newbie was probably getting a little tedious. If it was he didn't let it show.